
Let your hopes take flight...

Soar through romantic skies with memories of home and a longing for unfamiliar delights. 

paintings by Liz Hall

Great expectations...

Swifts and swallows form the fluttering heart of Migration. This uplifting collection reflects on the joys of travel and the comforts of home as migrating birds journey into the world to find their fortune and make nests in new places. 

Free as a bird...

Painted on-the-move, Migration is soft and illustrative. In many cultures, houses visited by swallows are considered blessed. This collection invites expectant, joyful energy into home spaces. 

Migration is full of wide wings,  broad skies and open possibilities. Its kaleidoscope of colours creates a mood of aspiration and social energy - perfect for shared spaces. 

This collection tells the story of coming and going as both swallows and people explore new lands with confidence. Migration draws inspiration from Zambia - where swallows soar and clouds collide in warm climates. 

Migration looks at the world from a birds'-eye-view - a safe, elevated perspective. It intends to uplift thoughts about the future, dreams and relationships. Its images communicate a sense of harmony with nature and discovery. 

To see the growing Migration collection, visit our online store.

Art Soul Mind 

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